Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Winter Break Descriptive Essay

        My winter break wasn't the most exciting few weeks, but it was still fun nonetheless. My family and I really didn't do anything interesting like traveling or something like that, but I think it was still pretty fun.
        On the first few days of break, all I did was sleep-in and stay home and play games. My friends would call me to hang out, but I was too lazy and I would just play games alone. My second week, however, was a bit more exciting than the first.
        During the second week, I started to go out more often and hang out with some friends. We went out to play pool, drink some boba, eat, and other things. That was pretty much a daily routine during the second week of break. My third week was a little hectic, but I could be considered lucky.
        During my third week of winter break, some of my friends were already back in school so I guess I'm a pretty lucky guy. I spent most of the week finishing up my adult school independent study and some other work in different classes. I also got to see and hang out with some of my old buddies in the Palisades so that was awesome. I think my last week was the most fun.
        This winter break wasn't as exciting as some of my other breaks, probably because it rained like everyday and it was cold. To be honest, most of my friends also stayed home and just played games. Even though it wasn't the most exciting break ever, I still had a great time during those three weeks. 


  1. I really loved the way you described your winter break. I like how you described how every week went by and how you felt about those weeks.

  2. Your winter break seemed pretty fun. It was really descriptive.

  3. Very good description of your winter break and it made me want to do the things you did over the break.

  4. seems like you had a very interesting winter break sounds like you had a lot of fun

  5. you have a good essay but its not descriptive. you should write more and describe some of the things you did. try not to repeat the same sentence twice which is what you did in the first paragraph. you had in overview of your winter break instead try to describe certain aspects of you winter break.

  6. You winter break seemed very fun. Although at first you only stayed inside for the first week, you had fun during your break. You had good use of vocabulary and grammar.
